Are you still looking for some computer stuff which makes you feel wow? well, here it is.. the challanger from Smartfish Pro Keybard, an Asus Eee Keyboard. Wait, itsn't just ordinary keyboard, but that is a wonderfull keyboard. Just turn it on, and a little touchscreen display on its right side will be your monitor.
This Product is almost the same with deksbook, if a deskbook keep everything in a monitor, this product uses the body to save all of computer stuff, like RAM, VGA card, etc. This is maybe a reason why this keyboard has a bigger body than a normall keyboard.
The Asus Eee keyboard comes with a secondary mini touchscreen and a wireless HDMI port. With the support of wireless HDMI, meaning you would be able to hook it up to any TV in your living space wirelessly, to use the TV as the monitor for this Eee keyboard computer. So, it’s a great space saver
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