Sunday, August 31, 2008

Send Messages in Local Area Network

By defult, Windows comes with messenger services which allow you to send messages via CMD in a local network area. But Windows didn’t make it enable, you have to enable it manually.

To enable it, go to “start” – “run”, or just press windows key + r, then type services.msc, and of coure press enter key!, you don’t wanna sitting there all day watching your computer huh?hehe.

Services.msc is a computer services management, there you can enable or disable services you desire to active or not, and one of the services which you have to make enable to use messenger in local area network call “Messenger” too.

So, scroll down until you found messenger, and double click it. In “start up type” Change from disable into automatic or manual, then click apply. Click Start on Services status, finally press OK.

Now open Command Prompt (CMD), and you can use net send command to send messanges to another computer. Here is the syntax:

net send [computer name] [messages]

for example:

net send computer18 hay, may I know your name?

computer name is depends on target computer name, you can see it by typing net view in cmd. And ta..ta,, you know her/his name now…. :)

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Top Desk

Are you usually use "alt" + "tab" or Windows Keyboard Shortcut to switch between one window to another? try "Top Desk" and you will got exited!!. This Program created all your opened program become animation or arranged depends on what option did you choose in one double keyboard stroke!!, then you can click one windows which you want to go display. This is more efficient and nice look than pressing tab key hundredly.

Find Top Desk Demo Here:
I will explain step to step using this program

While you installing this program, you will asked to choose one of three layouts in Top Desk. There are Flip, Spatial and Grid layouts. But don't worry, you can choose another layout later after installation. You will also asked about key combination to run the program.

After installation finished, you will see active top desk icon at windows taskbar. Active Top desk icon indicated in blue color, you can double click it to make it inactive (indicated with red color).
Now, Right click on Top Desk icon, choose "option".

Look at "Tile all Windows", there you can change combination key to run Top Desk. Try to change it to "F9" key + none, then press "ok", the option screen will dissapear. press "F9" key now, and see!!.. your desktop will look amazing (it will significant if you open more than 1 programs windows)

Depend on what layout did you choose, you will also have different ways to choose which windows will you choose. In Filp layout, use arrows keys to flip between windows program. In sepatial and Grid layout, just click one of windows you want, and animation goes nice... (press "esc" to cancel).

You can change this layout in windows tab

that's it.

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Windows Command Prompt (part 4)

Meet again huh? but i don't mind... you may think why i didn't write these windows command prompt post to become one post only?!, but for real, my mood which driving me to write, so thats why i didn't write it in one post.hehe...

lets started with next command.

  • CLS. This one is used to Clear your screen, not your windows screen, but your cmd’s console screen. Just type cls, and see the result. This command comes with no option.
    When you had type a lot of command, cmd become so crowded and its make you a little headache, I think it is the time to use this command than take a deep breath to disappear your confuses. If this is doesn’t seems to work, maybe it’s time to press your windows key, the press “u”, and press “u” again. In other word, turn off your computer, and go to sleep for a while until you can handle your problem again

  • CMD. This command is used to starts a new instance of the windows command interpreter in its own window. Because this command comes with so many option that I don’t understand most off them, one option that I understand is /T option, but this is not different at all with COLOR command, so lets moving on next command

  • COLOR. Used to sets the default console foreground and background color. This command comes also with no option at all, but comes with color attributes. As you can see in its help, there are 15 color attributes which you can use to re-color your console.
For example, if you got bored with black background and gray font you can make it like Linux terminal which had white background and black font. Just type:
Color 70
First color “7” is for background and second “0” is for text. Just be creative for your mood. But, how to make it back to the default? Easy.. just close your cmd console then start – run – and type cmd there.
  • COMP. Use to compare two files due to their both size, I think this command just created for this. Although I tried all of COMP option when I compare two files, didn’t seem different result on it.

  • COMPACT. Used to displays or alters the compressions of files on NTFS partitions. I guess it is almost same with zip or rar program, but when I tried to compact small files, it make no changes. This command just effect big files only, not in “size” but in how did computer save files in harddisk. Do you understand? No? so am i.. hehe

  • CONVERT. Used to converts your FAT volumes to NTFS. As you know, in windows, there are three type of how windows arrange files to save in harddisk (, FAT and NTFS are two of them. There are advantage and disadvantage to using FAT or NTFS, like compability to other OS and security issue (see CACLS -
    you can use some option like /FS /V /CvtArea, etc. But I really don’t suggest to use this command to convert from FAT to NTFS, its better to re-format your disk then choose FAT or NTFS.

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Saturday, August 30, 2008

Windows Command Prompt (part 3)

Oke… Now let’s continue our lesson with CMD. In this tutorial, I didn’t add BREAK and CHCP command intentionally because I also didn’t understand what is that command for :). I’m not perfect… so let’s talk about what I know..haha (",)

  • CACLS. This command use to Displays or modifies access control list (ACLs) of files. Let’s say your windows has more than one user Account, your account named “handsome” and your brother’s account named “ugly” for example. Your brother like to read your diary which you had wrote in MsWord so much, so you can’t even protect your privacy.
Now, with this command, you can protect your files so you become the one who can read your files!!!..
CACLS command uses with option, you can see it in its help. I will explain how to use it, furthermore, try it your self :). For example you wanna protect your diary.doc files from opened by your brother, (remember, you had go to your diary.doc’s folder first!):
cacls diary.doc /p ugly:N, that mean your brother account (ugly) is preventing from opening your files (N option), other option is R (read), W (write), C (change), F (full control). OR,
cacls diary.doc /d ugly, it’s same with /p but more simple and efficient :p
  • CHDIR, this is used to change directory. Same as CD command

  • CHKDSK, or check disk. Is used to check a disk and displays a status report. It’s same with analyze in disk defragment. This command need an administrator login. Can be use with /f option to fixes errors on the disk (but doesn’t work sometimes :p).
  • CHKNTFS. Used to displays or modifies the checking of the disk at boot time, another command which is same with analyze in disk defragment (CHKDSK), but this one can add a schedules to check disk on next reboot.

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Windows Command Prompt (part 2)

after you know basic of CMD, now you are ready to use it. The main point from CMD is typing command with adding option (if necessary) and getting result. Sometimes CMD is more usefull than any other tools if we talk about manual not automatic, for example in use to delete virus or send a message to local computer.
Here is list, explanation and also an example from each command (as I said before, you can get explanation straight with typing “help command-name” or “command-name /h”), Remember, command in CMD is NOT case sensitive.
  • ASSOC. if you find an extension of a file which you can’t find out what is it or what program should be opened to read it, you can use ASSOC. For example, you find a file with .rar extension and you don’t know what is it, you can type (of course in CMD):
“assoc .rar”, with out pick sign, and don’t forget it’s dot.
         You may find the result is : .rar=WinRAR, and BRAVO, now you know what program shoud be opened to open that .rar files.
  • AT. Due to its help, the AT command schedules commands and programs to run on a computer at a specified time and date. The Schedule services must be running to use the AT command. So it’s clearly that this command is use to give a schedules to opening a program or even to shutdown your computer at a specific time.
The simple use of AT command is: AT time(AM:PM) command. For example:
at 01:55PM shutdown –s –f –t 0,
which mean you give a schedules to your computer to automaticly turn off him self at 01:55 o’clock.
         Or another example:
         at 01:55PM C:\”program files”\mirc\mirc.exe
           it will open mirc.exe also at 01:55PM. 
  • ATTRIB. used to Displays or changes files attributes. There are option that you can use: +, -, R, A, H, S, /S, /D. you can read those option explanation in attrib help. example:
You want to hiding your files, named “dada.doc” in My Document folder, so you can go to My Document then type attrib –h dada.doc, but if you want supper hidden, you can add –s, become attrib –s –h dada.doc.
        Example 2:
If you want to hiding a My Documents folder, go one level up before My Documents, (if My Documents path on your computer is D:\My Documents, one level up mean D:\) then type: attrib –h /d “My Documents”.
If your flash drive is infected by Virus and all of your data is gone. But, wait, it’s probably not 100% gone, it may had been hidden by virus. How to know it? Go to windows explorer and change folder views in “Tools – Folder Option – choose View Tab, mark “show hidden files and folder” and unmark “hide protected operationg files system”, then try to see inside your flash disk, if you can see your data again, it’s mean you have to use this ATTRIB command to restore your files and folder to normal. (go to your flash disk then type attrib –s –h /s /d *.*)

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Friday, August 29, 2008

Windows Command Prompt (part 1)

Because Windows is simple to use and has elegant and nice view, its become the most popular operating system in the world now. So many features and support to this operating system make working more efficient and faster. But sometimes efficient and faster is not the answer to learn, we dont learn something when we dont get the hard time.

Command Prompt (CMD) is something that can't be separated from windows - as we know operating system is started with something like command prompt many years ago - but now, it's become the "important" part for expert. So diffrent from usual people which use computer just for finish their work with MsWord or excel and finally they call a technician when their files has become "supper hidden" because of virus, besides to fix it by him self by using tools or "command promt". Yes, windows has support of his system and your files with so many tools to prevent from damage.

ok... Now i dont wanna just talk, lets start :)

Command Prompt can be found in: Start - Programs - Accessories - Command Prompt.
if this is your first time using CMD, dont confused, you will see a black screen with white font like this:

Here's the explanation from cmd. The blinking underscore is where you can type your command to get a result. Then, "complex spell" before the blinking underscore is path or directory where you are now in cmd. Confused? say you are using windows explorer, when you want to see your Corel Draw's program folder in your computer, you will point your pointer to "C:/" (your primary HardDrive) -- "Program Files" and then to "Corel" directory (you can see this corel directory address in "address" area in windows explorer right after you click that corel's program directory).

If we convert that address into CMD it's will become C:\Program Files\Corel>. So, if your cmd address now is "C:\Documents and Setting\Floo>" (floo is my computer name", could be everything depend on what your computer name) it's mean your cmd now pointing at Floo folder in Document and Setting in your Primary HardDrive (C:\), and
floo directory or your computer ready to get order. Understand? yes Commandant :)

Now type your first command : help, it's will show all of cmd's command, and there you can see word incribed with "For more information on a specific command, type HELP command-name". For example you want to delete something with hidden attributes but you don't know how, so you can type "help del", (where "del" is command from delete), or del /?.

to go to one directory level up, you can type cd..

To go to the root directory you can type cd\

to go to another disk drive just type the directory with ":", like C:, D:, E:

to go to another folder, type cd plus folder name, but you must follow the path. for example you want to go to folder system32m you have to go to C: root first, then type cd windows, and last cd system32

one thing... if you want to go to a folder or open a file which have a space like Program Files or My Document, you must add
apostrophe, so it would become cd "Program Files", or cd "My Document"

ok, enaugh for warming up about CMD, next lesson is command in CMD. Don't miss read an learn it :)

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Template by - Abdul Munir - 2008