after you know basic of CMD, now you are ready to use it. The main point from CMD is typing command with adding option (if necessary) and getting result. Sometimes CMD is more usefull than any other tools if we talk about manual not automatic, for example in use to delete virus or send a message to local computer.
Here is list, explanation and also an example from each command (as I said before, you can get explanation straight with typing “help command-name” or “command-name /h”), Remember, command in CMD is NOT case sensitive.
- ASSOC. if you find an extension of a file which you can’t find out what is it or what program should be opened to read it, you can use ASSOC. For example, you find a file with .rar extension and you don’t know what is it, you can type (of course in CMD):
“assoc .rar”, with out pick sign, and don’t forget it’s dot.
You may find the result is : .rar=WinRAR, and BRAVO, now you know what program shoud be opened to open that .rar files.
- AT. Due to its help, the AT command schedules commands and programs to run on a computer at a specified time and date. The Schedule services must be running to use the AT command. So it’s clearly that this command is use to give a schedules to opening a program or even to shutdown your computer at a specific time.
The simple use of AT command is: AT time(AM:PM) command. For example:
at 01:55PM shutdown –s –f –t 0,
which mean you give a schedules to your computer to automaticly turn off him self at 01:55 o’clock.
Or another example:
at 01:55PM C:\”program files”\mirc\mirc.exe
it will open mirc.exe also at 01:55PM.
- ATTRIB. used to Displays or changes files attributes. There are option that you can use: +, -, R, A, H, S, /S, /D. you can read those option explanation in attrib help. example:
You want to hiding your files, named “dada.doc” in My Document folder, so you can go to My Document then type attrib –h dada.doc, but if you want supper hidden, you can add –s, become attrib –s –h dada.doc.
Example 2:
If you want to hiding a My Documents folder, go one level up before My Documents, (if My Documents path on your computer is D:\My Documents, one level up mean D:\) then type: attrib –h /d “My Documents”.
If your flash drive is infected by Virus and all of your data is gone. But, wait, it’s probably not 100% gone, it may had been hidden by virus. How to know it? Go to windows explorer and change folder views in “Tools – Folder Option – choose View Tab”, mark “show hidden files and folder” and unmark “hide protected operationg files system”, then try to see inside your flash disk, if you can see your data again, it’s mean you have to use this ATTRIB command to restore your files and folder to normal. (go to your flash disk then type attrib –s –h /s /d *.*)
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